New FGTS correction formula It is an essential benefit for Brazilian workers, guaranteeing compulsory savings that can be used at specific times, such as when purchasing property or in the event of unfair dismissal.
Recently, a new correction formula was implemented to increase FGTS income.
Therefore, in this article, we explore in detail how this change impacts workers and, furthermore, what the expectations are for the coming years.
Understanding the new FGTS correction formula
Composition of the new formula
The new FGTS correction formula combines the Reference Rate (TR) with the application of an index based on inflation, such as the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA).
This change, therefore, aims to ensure that workers' balances are not eroded by inflation, thus providing a more significant real income.
Advantages of the new formula
The main advantage of the new formula is protection against inflation, a recurring problem in previous corrections that used only the TR.
With the inclusion of the IPCA, the FGTS yield is expected to be more competitive when compared to other low-risk investments.
Furthermore, this combination increases yield stability.
Impact on workers' income
Simulation of new income
To illustrate the impact of the new formula, we present a simulation comparing old yields with new yields corrected by TR and IPCA.
Considering an initial balance of R$10,000.00, let's see how the income behaves over 12 months.
Period | Opening balance | TR (% year) | IPCA (% year) | Old Final Balance | New Final Balance |
1st month | R$ 10,000.00 | 0,5% | 4,5% | R$ 10,050.00 | R$ 10,375.00 |
12th month | R$ 10,000.00 | 0,5% | 4,5% | R$ 10,600.00 | R$ 10,465.00 |
Comparison with other investments
With the new formula, the FGTS becomes a more attractive option when compared to other low-risk investments, such as savings and fixed income securities.
This is because, in addition to protecting against inflation, the composition with TR provides the stability desired by many conservative investors.
Use of FGTS in different situations
Acquisition of real estate
One of the most common uses of the FGTS is to purchase your own home.
With the new formula, workers can expect a more robust balance, which can make it easier to take out real estate financing or even purchase in cash.
Dismissal without just cause
In cases of unfair dismissal, the FGTS works as a financial safety net.
The new income, therefore, can provide greater breathing space until the worker finds a new position in the job market.
Final considerations
In short, the implementation of new FGTS correction formula It is a significant step towards ensuring that Brazilian workers do not see their assets being eroded by inflation.
With more attractive yields, the FGTS strengthens itself as an essential savings and financial security tool.
For workers, it is essential to be aware of changes and understand how they affect their balances and possibilities for using the fund.
Closely monitoring financial movements and seeking updated information are essential actions to make the most of the new FGTS conditions.
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Therefore, follow us for more news and analyzes about the economic market and its impacts on the daily lives of Brazilian workers.